Editor's Comments
It is impossible to describe the pleasure it is for us to able to greet you once again on this date so significant to our Peruvian Paso Horse, which year after year goes bringing together more and more breeders and aficionados from all other countries.
This is the prelude to the “Silver Edition” for the 25 editions, which will soon be with us this coming November.
Each and every magazine is prepared with great dedication so we may always be able to provide the best information on the breeding of our horse.
The years of constant diffusion and the support from unconditional breeders and stud ranches are what have allowed “Made in Peru” reach your hands today, always encouraging the breeding and endeavoring towards making it easier; for that reason we have great pride in presenting to you PPH-G Tree, the new PC Software on Blood Lines, Genealogical Tree and Descendants Charts of the Peruvian Paso Horse.

Dear readers, I always dedicate each new edition to somebody in particular; this time, making an exception and begging your pardon, I would like to dedicate this number to three gentlemen, the three of them very important to me and whom I associate with one word in common: my father, for having given me life and for his constant support; my husband, for being my life and for having filled it with strength, and my father-in-law, for having filled me with hope and for always keeping alive this beautiful aficion, the aficion of the Peruvian Paso Horse.
Thank you very much!
Ana Ganoza

Lima, September 2004