Dear readers,
Made in Peru Magazine has a special edition that comes out every year at the time of the much-expected Peruvian National Show.
We share with you our happiness of once again meeting our friends from abroad, each time bringing closer all those of us who make up the Peruvian Paso Horse family.
In this Nº 16 edition, you will find very interesting articles written by Judges of International renown.
We greet all those taking part in the National Show; our sponsors, who are the soul and spirit of the magazine; and very specially, congratulate Criadero “Aníbal Vásquez Montoya” for their 50 years of participating in the Show.
We wish to dedicate this edition to Mr. Felipe Thorndike Valdez who today is ending his term as President of the Asociación Nacional de Criadores y Propietarios del Caballo Peruano de Paso.
Ana Ganoza
Lima, April 2002