
100 gr. rice.
80 gr. shrimp tails.
1/2 medium onion.
2 cloves garlic.
1/2 tomatoe.
pinch of paprika.
1 oz. white wine.
1 tsp. chopped coriander.
1 tsp. shrimp "coral" (red membrane)
1/4 tsp. rocoto pepper.
1 tsp. red pepper, chopped.
Salt and pepper to taste.

To Prepare:

Make sauce with onion, garlic, tomatoe, white wine and paprika.
Cook rice as usual. In the same pan as the sauce, add the rice, and the rest of the ingredients, adding the shrimp tails last. Mix all together.
Tiradito of Flounder with yellow hot pepper
Recipe of Alfredo Aramburú from Restaurant ALFRESCO.

Yellow hot peppers blanched in vegetable oil.
Chopped limo peppers.
Chopped parsley.
Finely sliced flounder, halibut or sole fish.
Dressing: key lime, pepper, garlic, coriander,

To Prepare:

Mix blanched peppers in blender then pass through fine strainer.
Add to this the dressing, limo peppers and parsley.
Pour it over the fish slices.
Garnish with corn.
Rice & Shrimp
Recipe of Alfredo Aramburú from Restaurant ALFRESCO.